Locations / Long Beach – Douglas Park
Long Beach – Douglas Park
3828 Schaufele Ave, Suite 320
Long Beach, CA 90808
Spine Surgery
Sports Medicine
Total Joint Replacements
3828 Schaufele Ave, Suite 320
Long Beach, CA 90808
Monday 8:30am – 5:00pm PT
Tuesday 8:30am – 5:00pm PT
Wednesday 8:30am – 5:00pm PT
Thursday 8:30am – 5:00pm PT
Friday 8:30am – 4pm PT

What We Treat

Knee Pain
Knee pain can hold you back from running a marathon or bending over to pick up your grandchildren. Book an appointment with a Commons knee specialist to get back on your feet with expert support.
Treatments and Ongoing Care For
Total Knee Replacement SurgeryPartial Knee Replacement SurgeryKnee SurgeryKnee Repair or Reconstruction (including ACL)Knee PainKnee OsteoarthritisKnee Meniscectomy or ArthroscopyKnee Cartilage Injuries
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Spine Injuries
Back and neck pain can be sudden or slow to develop, our specialists carefully assess all treatment options and carefully explain the implications each. With an excellent, unmatched history of results, they’ll help you get into recovery and on your way.
Treatments and Ongoing Care For
Spinal Deformities (Scoliosis, Kyphosis)LaminectomySciaticaCervical Disc ArthroplastyKyphoplastySpine
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Hip Pain
Ongoing hip pain and diminished joint mobility can affect your daily activities. Our hip specialists have seen it all, offering treatment options for all hip conditions.
Treatments and Ongoing Care For
Total Hip ReplacementHip Preservation SurgeryHip PainHip Labral TearHip InstabilityHip InjuriesHip Femoroacetabular ImpingementHip ArthroscopyHip Arthritis
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Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder pain can put a halt to everyday tasks like showering or even moving a chair. Book an appointment with a shoulder specialist to regain your mobility.
Treatments and Ongoing Care For
Total Shoulder Replacement SurgeryShoulder SurgeryShoulder Repair or ReconstructionShoulder PainShoulder OsteorthritisShoulder InstabilityRevision Shoulder Replacement SurgeryReverse Shoulder Replacement SurgeryShoulder
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